
较低的学校 begins a remarkable journey as students’ lives become filled with genuine relationships, 一个支持性社区, 以及一种独特的归属感. 皇冠体育app通过冒险激发学生的求知欲, 玩, 还有一个具有挑战性的学术项目. 低年级的教育是全面的, 与认知, 社会, and emotional learning designed for girls to receive careful individual attention while also thriving through collaboration.

The 较低的学校 students are encouraged to take intellectual risks from the very beginning. 从幼儿园, students become accustomed to p艺术icipating in assemblies and sharing their thoughts with the class, 勇敢地解决诸如“什么是勇气”之类的开放式问题?随着他们的技能和知识逐年扩展, 他们影响周围世界的能力也是如此.

Each girl at Nightingale comes to know herself and all of which she is capable. 较低的学校 students begin to develop some of the tools they will use as adults who can contribute boldly to a changing world. 从小开始, 学生们被教导要从全球的角度看问题, 值的差异, 并拥抱包容性.



每两周,每个幼儿园小朋友都会被分配一个新的伙伴. 伙伴们一起步行去上课, 互相关照, 合作学习课程和技能. 熟悉度增长,友谊开花结果,游戏约会也被安排好了. It’s not just a buddy system: It helps build the community for students and their families that is core to a Nightingale education.



皇冠体育app大学的现代语言学习因歌曲而丰富, 游戏, 并通过游戏帮助年轻学生培养对语言的热爱. 这个项目以能力为基础, 信心, 通过介绍西班牙语进行合作, 法国, 和普通话. 通过海外语言学习计划,西班牙语在三年级进行教学. 四班增设法语和普通话. A special emphasis is placed on culture and making foreign language study p艺术 of a student’s overall learning experience, 并不是一个孤立的课题.

Studies enriched with song, 游戏, and 玩 help develop a deep love of language.


皇冠体育app著名的视觉教育项目, 学生们学习观察和分析艺术, 然后通过写作和演讲表达他们所看到的. 无论是在课堂上还是在纽约的大博物馆里,你都能体验到艺术. 从小开始, students develop fluency in the language of 艺术 while learning to value different ways of seeing and appreciating the imagination of others.



项目 & 课程


低年级教学生如何独立思考, 问问题, 归纳推理归纳和演绎推理, 并综合他们的学习.